PAHLabs Blog goes Live

 Welcome All!

Today with this post the PAHLabs Blog goes Live.

It is a goal of mine to share with others my passion in Software Development, Coding and Application Design.  I plan to use this blog to reach out to those of like minds, and especially those wanting to learn.

Though in my 40+ year career in software development I have written many, many software languages, this blog is mostly going to focus on PureBasic.  I have an accompanying website ( where I have both free and licensed software products, developed using the PureBasic Language.  You can find out more about PureBasic at PureBasic

Here in my blog, I will begin explaining how these applications were written, and to share with you how I develop software.  

The first thing about software development I wish to share with you is that software development is all about solving problems. A software program is nothing more than a solution to a problem.  As with ALL solutions there are many ways to solve any problem, the trick it to solve the problem in an elegant manner that is both efficient and pleasing to the eye, but above all else it must SOLVE the problem.  If this solution can be done in an organized logical, repetitive manner than maintenance of this solution will be far easier. After all most programs take several weeks to months to write, test, and move into a production status, but they "live" in maintenance for years. If every application you wrote was a 100% unique solution, and you re-invent the wheel anew with each and every program you write then your development time will be much longer, and maintenance will be a nightmare! 

Taking a measured standardized approach will make your development times shorter, far more reliable, and maintenance a breeze.

This is first of MANY posts to come.  


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